Funding Assumptions

The MTFP sets out the anticipated funding for the next four years, and the table below expands on some of the information provided in the MTFP. The Government has offered FRAs a guaranteed four-year funding settlement in order to provide increased certainty and to aid planning. However, this only guarantees the minimum amount of revenue support grant (RSG) receivable. Business rates receivable are not guaranteed and are subject to volatility depending on factors such as the level of growth and appeals against valuations.


Settlement Funding Assessment

(All figures are £000 unless stated)

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19  2019-20
Baseline Funding - Business Rates / Top Up 13,714 13,842 13,907 14,318 14,775
Revenue Support Grant (RSG) 14,361 11,940 8,864 7,262 6,319
Settlement Funding Assessment Total 28,075 25,782 22,771 21,580 21,094
Additional Transitional Grant included in the Grant settlement / 141 178 / /


Council Tax Forecast

Settlement Funding Assessment

(All figures are £000 unless stated)

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Band D Council Tax (£) 41,254 42,918 44,160 45,477 46,817
Actual / Assumed Council Tax base increase on previous year(£)  733 876 437 450 464
Yearly Council Tax Precept Increase (£) 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.44 1.44
Collection Fund (Council Tax and business rates) (£) 646 451 / / /
Estimated Total Council Tax Income 41,900 43,369 44,160 45,477 46,817
Council Tax Band D Precept Increase (%) 1.95 1.91 1.88 1.96 1.93
Growth in Council Tax Base Yield to Previous Year (%) 1.81 2.08 1.00 1.00 1.00


Total Funding

2015-16: 69,975

2016-17: 69,292

2017-18: 67,109

2018-19: 67,057

2019-20: 67,911


As can be seen from the figures above, the level of RSG that the Authority can expect to receive over the coming years is likely to reduce, which means that there will be an increased reliance on the money raised from Council Tax and business rates. The Authority’s current plans are that it will continue to increase Council Tax each year, but that the increase will remain below the Government-set referendum limit (which is currently a maximum annual increase of less than 2%).
