Making sure home is a safe place is important for everyone. You’ll find lots of advice and help in our Home Safety section - from smoke alarms to electrical and kitchen safety, we are here to help you stay safe. If you have a young family, a long-term health condition or dementia, are an older person or a smoker, you are eligible for a Kent Fire and Rescue Service free home fire safety visit.
If you have a young family, a long-term health condition or dementia, are an older person or a smoker, get in touch now to request a Kent Fire and Rescue Service free home fire safety visit. Meet one of our friendly team in your own home, talk about your particular needs and get advice tailored to your circumstances.

Businesses have a legal duty to ensure their premises are safe for everyone who uses or visits them. If you have a business, Kent Fire and Rescue Service can offer you help and advice on understanding your responsibilities and how to take precautions, minimise the risk and meet the legal requirements.
Businesses are legally required to carry out a fire risk assessment. The type of assessment you need will depend on your type of business. Learn what you need to do and how we can help.
The incidents shown on this page are just a sample of those which may be of interest to the public and media.