Priority Three
To continue to be transparent in ongoing and future procurement activity

Why do we need to do this?

To successfully get the products and services we need, we need there to be a vibrant market providing innovative solutions. We will work with suppliers and their representative bodies as a collective of fire and rescue services nationally to present how we are changing the role of fire and rescue services to meet changing customer needs. We lead the way in terms of supporting the objectives of the National Fire Commercial Transformation Programme (more commonly known now as the National Procurement Hub), which was formed in response to the Police and Fire Minister and Home Secretary’s reform announcements which challenged the Sector to do more to improve its commercial strategy.

We are committed to ensuring that we operate with integrity and in an open, fair and transparent way, and with a public sector ethos. We will continue to ensure that we publicise contracting opportunities to the open market, which includes our suppliers in our local community. The Authority does not run any enterprise or provide any service for the purpose of profit making. We are dedicated wholly to public services and we see no role for commerciality except in very limited circumstances as set out in our charging policy. We do not accept commercial sponsorship from any other organisation in any form for any products or services it delivers.
