Commercial Waste Disposal
Did you know?
- Careless disposal of commercial and industrial waste can cost you dearly in terms of the threat and likelihood of fire.
- Waste bins and skips are becoming a very popular target for arsonists especially over holidays and at night.
- Don't let your business become another fire statistic and don't let your property offer a soft target for malicious damage and arson.
- By taking some simple precautions, expensive inconvenience can be avoided.
Manage the disposal of waste
- Don't allow rubbish to build up around your premises.
- Clean up on a regular basis.
- Do not obstruct fire exits with rubbish; it may be you who needs to escape via that route.
Collection of waste
Make arrangements with the waste disposal companies to collect and dispose of your waste before the start of holiday periods.
Frequency of collection
Keep an eye on how often your bins are emptied. Does the collection happen often enough or does waste produced exceed the capacity of the bins/skips provided? If it does, don't order more bins/skips; arrange for more frequent collections.
Storage of waste
- If possible restrict access to where waste is stored – consider installing security devices such as cameras, lighting or alarms in storage areas.
- Try not to encourage people to come onto your property unnecessarily.
- Keep waste out of sight - choose where you locate your bin/skip but do not put them close to buildings and make sure there's a minimum of 3 metres between skips.
- Use containers made of non-combustible material. Metal bins with rubber lids are a good choice as they can help prevent fire from spreading.
- Ensure waste containers are never overfilled and are securely shut.
- Companies with large volumes of waste paper and cardboard packaging should consider using a compactor instead of a vulnerable open skip.
- Why not consider joining with other retailers or occupiers to jointly implement these measures? Your estate management company, landlord or local council may be able to advise.