Road safety
Helping to keep you safe ...
Road safety advice from our partners
Medway Council Road Safety information
Medway Council provide helpful advice and information on road safety including details of road safety education from primary school to university, how to make our roads safer, and more.
Kent Police
Advice on Road Safety including advice for newly qualified drivers, using e-scooters, driving under the influence of drink and drugs, driving offences, as well as helpful information on crime prevention.
Kent and Medway Safety Camera Partnership
From what to do if you've received a notice to saving lives, read about the Safety Camera Partnership.
Kent Road Safety
Kent Road Safety provide valuable information for all road users - including young and mature drivers, motorcyclists and pedestrians - as well as road safety programmes for children, vehicle security and a host of other helpful advice
The Highway code, road safety and vehicle rules
The Government website provides online access to the Highway Code, as well as advice and information on road and driving safety, vehicles rules, recalls and faults, and boat safety.
National Highways
National Highways look after England's motorways and major roads. They provide information and advise for road users ranging from travel alerts to advice on road safety, including driving on motorways and in severe weather.
South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB)
Part of the NHS, South East Coast Ambulance Service 'respond to 999 calls from the public, urgent calls from healthcare professionals and provide NHS 111 services across the region'.

Keeping your vehicle safe
- check fuel line for wear and tear
- loose or worn connections cause safety problems
- check tread, pressure, damage (look out for embedded nails or glass etc)
- radiator - check fluid levels and top up if required
- oil - check fluid levels and top up if required
- lights should be functioning and clean
- your vehicle is your responsibility - windscreen wipers, child seats and seatbelts should also be checked regularly
Quick safety reminders ...
Drink and drugs
- it is impossible for you to know how much alcohol will put you over the limit - the safest option is not to drink.
- drunk passengers may be more of a distraction for the driver. Refuse to take anyone that you feel may be a risk to you driving safely.
- distraction can be a killer - never distract the driver. It only takes a split second to lose concentration and crash.
- drivers should always turn mobile phones off before setting out. Passengers should set phones to silent so they don't distract the driver.
if all the seats are already taken and there are no seatbelts don't take the risk of getting in the car.
Road safety for bikers
Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) attend many road crashes involving motorcycles and scooters each year. Which is why we want to help motorcyclists stay safe on the roads.
Our Firebike Scheme is here for riders offering practical advice and support, while KFRS Biker Down training enables bikers to work together and learn how to dealwith those involved in an accident. Learn more below ...
The FireBike scheme
Our FireBike team goes to events and track days to talk to riders about road safety.
They also hold Pit Stop events where riders can stop off from their journeys and chat about the risks they face on the road.
Celebrity supporters include dancer and TV star James Jordan as well as adventurer Charley Boorman, who visited KFRS to endorse the scheme.
Biker Down! training course
As bikers tend to ride in groups or pairs, it is usually the case that when one is involved in an accident the first person on the scene will be a fellow biker.
Many clubs and groups discuss the need for the training of riders in how to deal with a crashed biker. Injured motorcyclists need to be dealt with in a specific manner by a first aider due to the type of injuries possibly suffered and the issues of helmet removal.
Biker Down! is a free first aid course for bikers, including three modules:
Incident scene management
A presentation from the FireBike team, on-scene management and personal safety for a biker happening upon a crash involving a fellow biker.
Casualty care
This module is delivered by qualified life support instructors from KFRS with motorcycle first aid-specific expertise, covering; trauma and mechanism of injury, snatch rescues, why when and how, basic life support, CPR, managing spinal injuries and crash helmet removal - when and how.
The thinking biker
During this session the attendees receive instruction and advice on conspicuity - how effective is high-vis? This talk also covers phenomena such as 'motion camouflage' and 'looming', as well as tips on what you can do to be seen without the need to cover yourself head to foot in luminous yellow!
Our aim is to offer this course to all bikers. Find out more on our Facebook page at or email
What else you can do
Every year bikes become faster, lighter and sharper so it makes sense that you need to be sharper too. By developing your skills and putting the emphasis on yourself to avoid unsafe situations you can enjoy your bike as much as possible. Find out more at:
For any further information please contact the KFRS customer safety team on 01622 692 121.
Find your nearest Biker Down! course
Kent and Medway Safer Roads Partnership
Kent Fire and Rescue Service are a partner in the Kent and Medway Safer Roads Partnership. Made up of Kent Police, Medway Council, Kent & Medway Safety Camera Partnership and National Highways, we work together to make sure important safety messages reach the people of Kent and Medway.
The partnership is overseen by the Strategic Board which is made up of senior or elected members of each organisation. There is also a Tactical Coordination Group which monitors the work of groups who underpin the important messages communicated across the county.