Is your smoke alarm out of date?
Having in-date, working smoke alarms save lives. They warn if there’s a fire and dramatically improve your chances of escaping safely. If you don’t have a smoke alarm, you can learn more about the types of alarms available on our main page. But if you do have a smoke alarm, keep reading...

Check the date on your smoke alarm today
Smoke alarms have a lifespan of 10 years. After this time, their sensors become less reliable, meaning they might fail to sound, or go off for no reason. Either way – they may not provide protection for you and your family.
By being aware of how important it is to check your smoke alarm’s expiry date and replace it every 10 years, you can help to keep yourself and others safe.

Check the expiry date
Smoke alarms, whether battery-powered or wired-in, should have an expiry date on the back or side. To check it, you might need to remove the alarm from the ceiling. Depending on the type of alarm you have, here's the most common ways how:
- twist it counterclockwise to remove from the base; or
- use a screwdriver to unscrew it from the base; or
- (for some wired alarms) push a screwdriver into the slot to release it.
If there’s no expiry date, it means you'll need to replace the alarm.

Replacing your smoke alarm
If your smoke alarm is out of date, you can buy a new one on any reputable website or in a hardware shop.
If you can’t change the smoke alarm safely, ask a friend or family member for help. But if that’s not possible, give us a call us on 0800 923 7000 for advice.

Testing your smoke alarm
We still encourage you to test your smoke alarms weekly to make sure they work. To do this, simply press the button until the alarm sounds.
If you can't reach, you can use something like a broom or a walking stick.
Remember: even if the alarm sounds, they still need replacing after 10 years.
Watch our helpful video about smoke alarms

How well do you know your smoke alarms?
How well do you know your smoke alarms? Take part in this quick and easy survey to find out!