The Fire Risk Assessment Prioritisation Tool (FRAPT)

FRAPT is an online tool created by the Home Office and the Protection, Policy and Reform Unit of the National Fire Chief's Council. It is for use by Responsible Persons to help them to prioritise updating and reviewing their fire risk assessment for their building(s) as set out in the new Fire Safety Act 2021.

FRAPT is not a replacement for a Fire Risk Assessment.

Before using FRAPT

Before using FRAPT Responsible Persons (RPs) are urged to read and use The Fire Safety Act Commencement  Prioritisation Guidance  (the Guidance) published by the government.

This guidance is intended 'to be used by responsible persons (or anyone who has, to any extent, control of those buildings) for the purposes of complying with their duties in the Regulatory Reform (FIre Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) further to the amendments made by the Fire Safety Act 2021'.

What the Guidance provides

The Guidance is there to support Responsible Persons and points out that RPs ‘ . . . for buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises must now - unless they have done so already - review and where necessary update their fire risk assessments to take account of the structure, external walls and flat entrance doors.'

The Guidance also deals with the impact on RPs, finding a competent professional, the FRAPT and what it does, and demonstrating compliance, 

Following the Guidance and using FRAPT

While the Guidance states there is no legal requirement to follow it, '... a court can consider whether a responsible person has complied (or not) with their duties under the Fire Safety Order by following this guidance.'

With regard to FRAPT, the Guidance points out that while its use is ‘ . . .not a mandatory requirement and it is not necessary to use the tool before reviewing or updating a fire risk assessment’ (para 21)   the use of FRAPT together with the Guidance  ' . . . will be beneficial to responsible persons to show due diligence, and assist in establishing in any proceedings, that they are meeting their obligations under the FSO (as amended by the Fire Safety Act 2021).' (para 20).

Kent Fire and Rescue Service recommend that RPs follow the Guidance and use FRAPT. 

The law and why RPs should use FRAPT

The FRAPT tool was made available at the same time as the commencement of sections 1 and 3 of  the new Fire Safety Act 2021 (the Act). Under the Act, Responsible Persons (RPs) will need to review and update their fire risk assessment for buildings that have two or more sets of domestic premises, taking '...account of the structure, external walls and flat entrance doors.' 

Section 1 of the Act relates to: the requirement that fire risk assessments take into account structure, external walls and flat entrance doors.

Section 3 relates to RPs use of the Guidance (and FRAPT) and that RPs use of FRAPT may be seen as evidence of their '...compliance to demonstrate that they have met with their obligations under the Fire Safety Order (specifically the elements clarified by the Fire Safety Act).'

RPs should also be aware of the Fire Safety England Regulations (2022) which have come into force. Please see our Fire Safety Act 2021 and Fire Safety Regulations pages. 

How to access and use FRAPT

Only RPs should complete a FRAPT and should read the Guidance before using the tool

1. Access to FRAPT is online via the Home Office.

2. You will be asked to create an account.

3. You will be required to answer a series of questions about the building. You can find examples of the type of questions you will be asked at section 22 of the Guidance.

4. It is important the answers you give are accurate, as they will be used by FRAPT to provide a score and priority rating for the building you are responsible for

5. On the basis of your answers, FRAPT will give a score and a priority rating for your building to help prioritise the fire assessment for that building.

6. The priority categories are set out in the Guidance as:

  • Tier 1 – very high priority
  • Tier 2 – high priority
  • Tier 3 – medium priority
  • Tier 4 – low priority
  • Tier 5 – very low priority

7.  Please see sections 30-40 of the Guidance which provide detailed information regarding each tier and priority rating for the review of the building's fire risk assessment. 

Need help?

Contact our Business Safety Helpline, where you can obtain free, friendly advice and help. 

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